Sunday, June 5, 2011

The week of weeks!

So Cole and I have decided to move our room around. Firstly because we got an Air conditioner and secondly we are moving in about 3 months and wanted to get rid of some of the cluttery things we have kept over the years.....So to begin our adventure we start oving our bed and the things underneath it.....We find 1 cockroach. I am immediately terrified and call for Cole...Did we kill it??? no of course not...he was too fast! I being terrified of the dang roaches put on my highest socks and tennis shoes so i don't feel the crunch as I smush them! oh it so nasty just thinking about it! So as our evening goes on and we continue to move things around we find a 2nd cockroach. Yes we did kill this one. We know it was not the same one because this one was about an inch and a half and the other one was probably a half inch long....So we finally get to the point where we want to move our dresser and so we do so and things had fallen behind it Cole goes to move it with the RAID in hand and he probably killed 12 roaches right there!!!! Not to mention throughout the night we killed about 5 more! I believe we had a mini nest in our bedroom behind the dresser where no light could be found! It was the worst thing i had ever seen  and I really hope I don't see worse..... Good news, We have yet to find a cockroach and I am A-O-K with that! I am definitely excited to go to a place where we don't have to worry about stepping on a roach barefoot in the middle of the night, and worry about them crawling over your face while you are asleep! Idaho will be a good place to go :)

This last weekend we had decided that we really missed the cold and wanted to experience the ice once again so we decided to go to the Ice Palace in Honolulu and go Ice Skating! I'll tell you that we hadn't had so much fun and felt so childish in such a long time! little children and middle schoolers were running around that place like crazy! We went with our friends James and Ashley Rogers and when we walked in we all just started to laugh because it was so silly that we had actually paid money to go inside and Ice Skate with young children! It was such a blast and we had all decided that it was worth the money and the adventure! :) After we went Ice Skating we had decided we needed to go do a little shopping since it is such a trip in town and we never get to get out of Laie. We went to Baby's R Us and believe it or not I had never been inside before and just fell in love. Cole and I picked out our future baby's crib and bedding and clothes and all sorts of things! it is funny because we are not having a baby yet we still picked out stuff like we are! One day it can be for real and spend tons of money on our children! Once we left that awesome store we went to the best place I have been to here in Hawaii. Yogurt land! I have never really given frozen yogurt a try to this is the place to go if your eating it for the first time! It was the most amazing place I have ever been to and I now will eat it over Ice Cream any day!!! It was so good it is hard to describe it in words! Go if you have never been there!!! Simply the best! On our way home from this great day in town we noticed it had started raining pretty hard. Luckily we didn't get caught in the storm cause probably an hour or so later the whole road to get home was flooded and there was thunder and lightening so loud! It was like nothing you have ever heard before! of the 4 years I have lived here it was the worst storm! All the power went out and it was a little scary! but we made it through the night with no floods and horrid natural disasters!

That was our week of weeks and it doesn't sound like much but it was a blast we had such a great time! I must say that when we leave we will definitely miss Hawaii. Here are some fun pictures of the weekend :)

 awwwww ;)
 It was cod in the Ice Palace...
 Cole and I
 Spot James and Ashley!
So good with kids!
 Rogers family
Cute baby Ronan

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe how big Ronan is . I love to Ice skate . Fun Fun
