Wednesday, June 22, 2011

AlOhA! :)

Aloha!!! Cole and I had a very fun and adventurous weekend. We decided that since we only live in hawaii once we should go over to see the dolphins and rays and all the sweet shows that are held over at Sea Life Park. It was alright. According to Cole it is not nearly as good as Sea World, but I had fun! I saw a shark for the first time! We saw the Dolphin show which was super sweet. we saw manta rays, sting rays, sea turtles, penguins and seals, and so many cool animals that do some really amazing tricks. I was really impressed with the shows however the place was a little ghetto!!!! once we had our fill of Sea Life Park we decided to go over to bellows again, our favorite beach, and then hit up the one day father's day sale. Which turned out to be so amazing! we basically went shopping for our birthdays because we spent money that we did not have!! ha ha I hat shopping for that reason alone! why can't we all have unlimited amounts of money for shopping? that would be the life right!??!? well at least we got some really amazing deal. we got cole some nice Armani shirts for $10, while i got a $90 dress for only $30! the deals were so great and almost everything was up to 75% off! we definitely enjoyed our shopping time and i think we are good for a long time now! well at least until we move home to the cold weather and have to buy all new warm cloths ;)

So as I am sitting here writing this post i get a knock at my door and there stand three absolutely adorable children. The Tapia girls and Miley Hannemann. They are selling peanuts. So i had a dollar in my wallet and decided i would be willing to help out some fund raising for a team or school or something. turns out that I get home crushed peanuts from Costco and I have to pick out just a small handful for the dollar I gave them. when they decided it was enough they yelled "wow thats all you get!"as i look at this small bag of peanuts i think about how I was completely ripped off but you know when the economy is the way that it is you gotta do what you have to do to survive. these little girls were doing just that! i smiled and thanked them for their service and off they went to the next door. That was such a fun and cute experience and I am glad they came by. It shows that they are determined to get money and will work hard for it. So many people in the world and here in TVA are cheap skates and they try to get out of paying, or they try to get more than what they bargained for. It is so sad to see that especially here in an LDS Community. The girls  also showed me that what they say goes. I was not about to get more peanuts than what I paid for. That seemed very interesting to me because this past week I had some experiences with that exact thing at work.

I work as the TVA Coordinator for the BYU HAwaii Housing department full time and this past week I really got my money's worth. During the Summer term the tenants are allowed to  sublease their apartments to anyone who is willing to live the honor code and uphold the contract they signed and agreed to. Well this used to be the rule. after this little experience I think it will change dramatically. We had a tenant who went home for the summer and decided to find a married couple to live and pay for their rent. Well they found one off craigslist and met them and went on their lovely trip back home. Friday morning I get a call from my boss and he wants me to go over to this apartment and see why the police had come the night before and arrested the husband. So i go over there and the woman (wife) had bruises all over her body a broken rip and a complete mess. not only that but the apartment completely smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. I would say that is not really keeping up with the BYU contract. well to make this short and to the point, it turns out that the wife had gone to jail the weekend before for domestic violence on him. And according to the police both times the couple we completely wasted and not quite all there. We had to go through this whole eviction process and they were cooperative but thought they would ask for all their money back. No you usually do not get your money back when you violate the rules and get evicted but since the contracts do not mention anything of the sort they were going to take to small claims and rip off the money of the tenants who let them live there in the first place. IN the end they won and got the money that was unrightfully not theirs but that is the real world and all we can do is pray for people like them. 

So that was just the beginning of the subleases that went wrong. An RA, OLGA,  was out cleaning by one of her assigned buildings and say a girl calling for help and then fainted falling out of her door. I get a call and head over to see what went wrong. We ended up taking this poor girl to the ER and stayed there with her for 5 1/2 hours while her husband had no clue what was happening because he was in class all day and then went straight to work. Poor family. In the end everything was all right and she ended up being just fine. On a good note, while we were driving her back to TVA she asks me if i knew who Rachel was from Friends. I told her that she was my favorite and we had a couple good laughs about the great show and then she goes on to tell me that I look just like Jennifer Aniston and that I am so beautiful. My heart sank and I just felt so good! that was probably the best compliment i had ever been given. i mean come on, who wouldn't want to look like Jennifer Aniston? She is so absolutely gorgeous!

The next day of work I go into the office and on of the RA's asks me if I had heard. I asked about what and they explained to me that one of the sublettes (couple living in the tenants apartment for 6 weeks while they are home) had passed away! It turns out that he decided to hike China Man's Hat and he fell from the backside cliff. He passed away due to brain failure and complications. It was so sad to hear that and my heart goes out to that family. I pray for them and hope that they can get through this trial in their life. he is in a better place now.

This week for subleasing had been crazy and one that I never thought I would have to go through. In the end I am glad I went through it because Cole and I plan to own and rent out apartments or homes and I now have the experience and ability to handle that sort of thing. I am really enjoying my job and will be sad to have to leave after learning so many great things. Thank you Abbie Patterson for helping me get this great and terrible job !!;)


  1. Thank you for this post ;) I'm so glad that you are hating/enjoying your job. I've been wondering how it way going. Sounds like its getting pretty interesting! Just a couple more months right? We miss you guys. I hope you enjoy the last couple months. Love ya girl!

  2. I was so sad when you told me about the guy who feel from china mans hat . life is exciting and sad and disappointing and yes we learn a lot from it . And its good to be greatful for every experience. I love you Richelle . your the best .

  3. Holy Crap!! I can't believe my kids went around to ADULTS selling peanuts!!! ha ha ha!! I kept wondering how they got so much money just from the kids outside... Man!! I am sorry! And I AM impressed... they made so much money that day... my little entrepreneurs !! I'm so sorry!! this is so hilarious that I finally find out a month later by reading your blog!! I owe ya a buck... or at least more peanuts :)
