Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hello again!

well it has been a whole entire year since i last posted! it is crazy how fast time flies by when your enjoying life so much!!! :) So this past year sure has been a busy one for us! Cole is working for Hibu, which used to be Yellowbook. He really likes the online part of it but cant really get people to get in the actual book because he has a hard time really believing in it because we are an online world now and the book will be dying soon! probably not in the Coeur d Alene area for a while but it will eventually happen... Cole loves his job and is excelling so much and will hopefully see some raises and higher positions :) I started personal training exactly one year ago this week! it has been a challenge to get clients and to get busy and keep those clients but it has been a blast and i am starting to see the rewards of my hard work paying off! I have about 10 clients that are constantly buying sessions and are seeing huge improvements from the hard work they have been putting in! It is so fun to see those improvements and the changes in their body, attitude, happiness, etc. I really love what i do and i don't feel like i am going to work! thats how much i love it! :) I have a couple group classes that i am teaching as well. One is call Ripped Core where we do lots of HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval training) combined with some cross fit! It's a really fun and challenging class! The other class i teach is called Super Fit Mama. It is a class specialized for pregnant women and postpartum women who want to get their pre baby body back! It has been hard for me to get people signed up for this class. I am not quite sure why but i hope that women will understand the importance of working out while pregnant. it is such an important thing to stay in shape for many reasons, one being that it helps with labor. How can that not get you to come workout????? I can hopefully get women to sign up for my class soon!

So that is a little bit of how our work life has been. As far as church goes we have moved wards quite a bit in the last few years. Right when we got back from Hawaii in 2011 we were in the CDA 2nd ward. Well about a year into living in that ward it split and we were moved into the CDA 3rd ward. We immediately got callings. Cole was called to be the ward mission leader and I was called to be the 1st counselor in the Young Women's! It was my absolute favorite calling. We had so much fun with our tiny young women's! I think there was about 9 or 10 girls total in our young women's. It was so small but so much fun! So we were so sad to have to leave that ward even though it was 60% people of 60 years old and older..... We moved out to Post Falls where are are currently residing. We are in the Post Falls 2nd Ward and it is definitely our favorite ward EVER! We love our callings and love everyone in our ward so much! we have made very close friends with lots of people and that was our biggest challenge when we got back from Hawaii. We felt like we couldn't find anyone our age. Well since then we have found many people our age and older who are awesome members of the church and are so sweet and cool down to earth normal people! Cole is the 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum and I am the Secretary in the Primary. We are both very busy with our callings but we love them so much! We have so much fun and are learning a ton!!! We are really have so much fun with life right now and we wouldn't ask for anything to be different in our lives.

We have trying for children for the past 3 1/2 years and have made lots of progress with doctors and we know what we have to do now! So after we got back from China we decided to get some help. We went and saw Dr. Woods and sad to say we didn't really get anywhere with him. We tried Artificial Insemination 4 times and nothing came from that. We then asked him what our next step would be and he said In-Vitro and that he didn't know what was wrong. He said that we were in the unexplained infertility category. Cole and I went home and decided that we needed to get a second opinion. Not because he was a bad Dr. He is an excellent Dr. but because we didn't feel like that was our next step. So we mad an appointment to see the fertility specialist in Spokane, Dr. Robbins and it took 4 months to get in and see him! He is that good of a doctor and so dang busy! So we went to go see him and right away he looks at our charts and sees that Cole has problems with his sperm. Most of the things they have to look at in the sperm, was low and not the best. The next thing he saw was that my thyroid was off. Turns out that I have a hypothyroid! I was put on medications and also on prenatal's because they want me to be pregnant soon! They completed other testing on me like a hysteroscope and lots of ultrasounds and blood tests and found that in fact i do have lots of problems going on with my body. It turns out that i have degenerative ovaries which means that 1: I don't produce the best eggs and 2: by the time I am 30 I will no longer be able to have children. When i heard that I had to hold in the tears until we got home because to hear something like that is a life changing moment and that was a first for Cole and I. What does this mean??? well it means that we need to do In-virto within the next 6 months because if we wait any longer my chances for in-vitro even working is under 50%. If we begin the process before then my chances are a whopping 89%! So we have to make the decision to get into further debt and dig ourselves into a deeper hole or wait and be patient and have all the faith in the lord. Either way we will need that faith and courage to get through this trial.....It makes our decision even tougher because now we have a time constraint on our situation. We only have 6 more years to finish having our family. Adoption is running through our minds like crazy and that is something we need to go to the Lord with. Do we adopt and forgo in-vitro? do we try in-vitro and adopt later on? the Temple is calling our names LOUD & CLEAR! These past couple of day have been so hard on me but i have amazing family who loves and cares for me! Jessica took me out for a girls evening and we got Jamba Juice and pedicures :) my mom later took me out shopping :) just my kind of therapy! So We are in good hands and we are so happy with the way our lives have gone! Cole and I love each other more than ever and we would not choose to go through this trial with anyone different. I love Cole so much and he is such a special person! We have gained so much strength, faith, courage, hope through this trial. We are grateful for each other every second! I love Cole so much! Thats our past year in a small brief moment. I plan to write more often so i can one day be better at journaling our lives. The plan os to print off every post from the past year and put it into a book for our records incase one day all the power goes out and we don't have access to anything online! ;)


  1. I loved reading this update! I have thought about you two from time to time, wondering how you're doing. Thanks for sharing your journey with infertility, I have begun to understand recently - through close friends and others - the heavy toll it must take on your heart. I pray for you two and know the Lord has a plan for you, especially because of your righteous desires and hearts! Much love and aloha!

  2. So good to see you're back!! We are still praying for you guys! We love you!!

  3. Hey Rochelle,

    It is couples like you and Cole that make me remember to be grateful every time I end up pregnant 'by accident' and to never take that for granted. I read this post a month or two back and I wanted to share it with you. I hope everything can work out no matter which way you go. Praying for your future family...


  4. Wow!! Lots has happened since we talked last!! I can't believe no one has caught your thyroid problem. That's annoying. Hopefully you guys get some confirmation!! We need to hang out!!
