Thursday, April 26, 2012

LiFe :)

Hey! :) Life is going great for Cole and I. We have been loving our new bikes and thankfully the weather has been nice enough for us to get out and ride a few times! We have done some beautiful rides like out to Higgins point! It is a trail that goes around the lake and it is breathtakingly gorgeous!
We were able to go there and back in 25 minutes! If we were on any other bike it would have taken at least 45 minutes.
I just love our new bikes!
The longest ride we have been able to do is just out to Post Falls and back which is about 10 miles total and it seriously felt like a breeze! If anyone is contemplating on getting road bikes I would tell you to YES GET THEM! They are a great investment :)

So some good news coming your way!!! Starting next tuesday we are officially on insurance! And that means that we will be going in to see what the HECK is wrong with us!
Why we haven't been able to get pregnant yet!
So we are really really excited to get that done and out of the way! I hope that it can be a simple fix where just a pill or something that easy is involved.
I am not going to lie, it has been very hard seeing all of my friends in Hawaii who have been trying for only a month and wait they are already pregnant! It is so frustrating that it just can't be that easy for Cole and I! Don't get me wrong, I am SO happy for them!
Being able to have children is a miracle. I hope that we will be blessed with such a wonderful gift like that! :)

Basketball league has officially started and must I say, we have a bomb-dizzle team!
I love getting so excited every monday and wednesday to play our games! I never thought I would miss basketball as much as I do. But being able to just get out and play is the best! I am able to take my mind of other things and jus have fun with friends!
Well hopefully the next post will have some very exciting things to read about but for now sorry it just has to be about me and Cole! ;)


1 comment:

  1. So, I might need to borrow your bike for the Hayden Sprint Triathlon... would that be okay?
    Sorry, that it's taken this long with the whole baby situation! That really sucks! But you'll soon have answers!
